Authors Night Sponsorship Form
On November 10th, Family Connections will host our annual Authors' Night in person at The Carey School in San Mateo from 5:30p-7:30pm. This year, planned around the theme of “Books & Jammies”, Family Connections encourages bedtime reading by showcasing various authors reading their novels, and sharing their adventurous journeys as authors. There will be a light dinner served and resources for parents on wellness and school connectedness. So, please come and join us for an evening where parents, children and community members enjoy storytelling, learning sessions and a variety of fun arts and crafts activities.
Sponsorship Levels:
1. Family Dinner Food Costs- $1,500 - Family Connections families, staff, volunteers and partners will come together for a family-style dinner to connect with fellow community members and learn more about the critical services that Family Connections provides.
2. Author Attendance Fees - $1,000 - Author’s Night brings together critically-acclaimed Bay Area children's authors for a special evening of storytelling and connection. This year, we plan to host 4 authors from diverse backgrounds for a live reading.
3. Attendance for five families - $500 - Family Connections families will have a number of underwritten tickets available to them in order to ensure all those who wish to attend are able to.
4. Event Activities - $250 - This year’s carnival-style event will feature various activity stations for all ages, as well as informative breakout sessions for parents. Activity examples include: face painting, bookmark-making and more!